Category Archives: Living Well

The After Effect

Too many of us allow eating for health and wellness to fall into the too hard bucket, which is easy to do. What you may not know is your body responds to the nutrition you feed it. Your cells are continually regenerating and just like updating a car you can either upgrade its capacity or…
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The Mighty Legume

There is growing public knowledge of the health benefits of eating a vegetarian diet, with a diet high in red and processed meats linked to cancers such as colorectal cancer as well as increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes. The global impact of consuming meat is also growing attention with its link to large greenhouse…
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Are You Taking Advantage of The Nutrition Benefits of Yoghurt?

Are You Taking Advantage of the Nutrition Power of Yoghurt? There is no single food which is the key to ultimate health, however, there are certain foods which are rich in nutrition and health benefits. One of these foods is yoghurt. This food dates back as far as the Bible and the benefits can be…
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How To Read Food Labels

It can be so confusing choosing what food or drink products to select with most claiming to be the best! So here are some handy tips when selecting what to put in your trolley: 1. Per 100g: Look at the serving per 100g/ml. Products do not have to have the same serving size and this…
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Prostate Health

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia and 1/3rd most common cause of cancer death. An overall healthy and balanced diet is critical which includes enough servings of fruit and vegetables as well as low in saturated and trans fats. The mightiness of eating or drinking enough fruit and vegetable servings cannot…
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You are what you eat…. NUTS!

Sometimes nuts get a bad reputation as ‘fattening’ because of their high energy content. I am here to put your mind at ease and explain why nuts are a healthy snack. Here are some of the many benefits of including 30g (a small handful) of nuts into your diet: Nuts contain a high amount of…
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Beauty is Health

So much of media tells us that to be beautiful we need to have a certain shape and look a certain way but I disagree. To me health is the most beautiful thing, it is unique and individual and each person shows beauty in a different way. Through looking after your body and your mind…
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Calcium, the mighty mineral!

The importance of calcium goes beyond strong bones to prevent osteoporosis. Calcium also assists with normal muscle contractions, regulating your heart rate and normal blood clotting. On top of this calcium helps the body work optimally by helping things called enzymes and your nervous system work at its best. So how much do you need? Women…
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