The Mighty Legume

There is growing public knowledge of the health benefits of eating a vegetarian diet, with a diet high in red and processed meats linked to cancers such as colorectal cancer as well as increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes. The global impact of consuming meat is also growing attention with its link to large greenhouse gas emissions. The question is can you still get enough protein and essential nutrients on a diet that is more plant based? The answer is YES!

There are lots of great sources of protein found in plant-based foods including legumes such as lentils, chick peas and kidney beans which also double up as a vegetable source. Eating half a cup equates to a serving of vegetables and eating a full cup means one serving of meat! Legumes such as kidney beans and lentils also contain a source of non-haem (meaning non animal source) iron. The trick here is to eat the legumes with some vitamin C source like a cup of no added sugar orange juice or with fruit or vegetables which contain vitamin C like capsicum. Coffee and tea contain tannins which stop the iron from being absorbed well, so it is best not to drink these with the meal or snack.

Another bonus for replacing a meat dish with legumes is that they are a great source of fibre both the soluble and insoluble types. This means it is easier to go to the toilet and keep it frequent enough for health. On top of this, legumes contain a source of zinc which is important for wound healing and skin health as well as phytochemicals and vitamins which keep the body functioning optimally.

So give the mighty legume a go and try replacing a meat dish with some legumes this week!


Grains and Legumes Nutrition Council. 2011, Pulse Australia, available from;

Council NHaMR. Australian Dietary Guidelines (2013) [Document]. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia; 2013 [updated 29/7/20114; cited 2014 15/8/2014]. Available from:

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