The After Effect

Too many of us allow eating for health and wellness to fall into the too hard bucket, which is easy to do. What you may not know is your body responds to the nutrition you feed it. Your cells are continually regenerating and just like updating a car you can either upgrade its capacity or downgrade to something which could malfunction.

Saying this, eating should still be enjoyable and life is about balance, so you can have your cake and eat it too, but the cake should not be an everyday occurrence, especially if the serving size is a generous one.

So what is my advice? Think about firstly how the food you are about to eat will make you feel AFTER eating it. I personally may think I want McDonalds but the feeling I get after is horrible for the rest of the day and is not worth it. Nutrition should be enjoyable for your body to process not just for your taste buds. When I have eaten a meal that is what my body needs, my body and mind feel energised and ready again.

If you want advice on what a balanced meal looks like and how to eat for optimal energy for life, I'd love to have a chat with you.

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