Immediate Taste Satisfaction

As humans we innately desire sugar, fat and salt but how many times have we regretted it after? Not just the guilt of the food but the feeling that what we have just put into our body is not really what it wanted?

I was walking through the shopping mall recently and saw a man with a 6 pack of Krispy Kremes and a can of Mother. Yes, his body may need the energy and fat is not a ‘bad’ macronutrient but what was making up this meal was sugar and a lot of saturated fat. The after effects would likely be a feeling of sickness and a peak of energy from the sugar followed by a complete loss of this energy in a very short period of time.

The solution?

Become more aware of what the effects of eating the food will be AFTER we eat or drink them. The immediate effects and time consuming the food or drink does not last as long as the feeling of the effects of what we just put in our mouth. Maybe try thinking about a combination of a snack or meal which will satisfy the body over the longer term not just the first minute. Protein and fibre are two great ways to increase the feeling of fullness for longer as well as whole grain products like wholemeal or multigrain bread or crackers and brown rice or pasta. Fat is also an important component of a snack or meal but the type of fat plays a big role in the health of the body. Try unsaturated fats like olive oil or avocado, omega-3 fats found in fish or even a small handful of nuts.

So let’s be advocates for a body’s long term health not suckers for immediate taste satisfaction!

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