Recent Posts by Ashleigh Feltham

The Ultimate Diet to Help You To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

Are you one of the many people seeking the ultimate diet to support weight loss? There are many diets which claim to be the best and currently trending is the high fat, low carbohydrate diets. Before you jump on the band wagon and follow this type of diet new research suggests the opposite composition of…
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How Your Gut Microbiome is Influenced by Your Gender

The saying that women are from Venus and men are from Mars stands true for their differences in many ways. One way you may not be aware of is how your gender impacts your gut microbiome. There are many factors which influence the microorganisms which live in your gut. Some of these factors include your…
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New Potential of Omega 3 Fat to Increase Effectiveness of Antidepressants

Mental illness is common in society with almost half or 46% of Australians between the age of 18 to 65 experiencing some form of mental illness in their lifetime. Depression is one type of mental illness and affects around one million Australians. Major Depressive Disorder also known as clinical depression severely impacts the ability to…
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How To Win The Food Battle With Your Kids

You are not alone if every meal is a battle trying to get your kids to select and eat a meal which is going to give them the nutrition they need for a healthy life. One strategy you may like to try is using different food environments as opportunities to make selecting nutritious food choices…
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Promote Optimal Brain Health by Following the MIND Diet

Keeping your brain functioning at its best is something everyone wants. There are several well-known whole diets which promote brain health including the Mediterranean diet and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. A less well-known diet to add to your choices of a whole diet approach to promote brain health is the MIND…
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Vitamin D May Promote Insulin Sensitivity in Women with PCOS

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble hormone with important roles including promoting an optimally functioning immune system, allowing calcium to be absorbed into your body and plays a role in promoting brain function and health. A new study adds another important reason to make sure that your body is receiving enough vitamin D as it may…
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A New Everyday Cooking Oil You Should Know About

If you are health conscious, you will know the importance of selecting healthy fats and oils for cooking every day, notwithstanding the “special” oils like sesame or peanut that you might use for a particular recipe. A new quality plant-based oil by Plenty Foods now adds another healthy option for you to enjoying in your…
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Achieve Optimal Immune System Functioning Through Nutrition

Having optimal immune function at any time is a good thing and nutrition plays a bug role in dictating how strong your immune system is. Did you know that from your 20’s your immune system starts to decline about 2-3%? No one likes to feel sick or unwell and here are some easy ways you…
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