Seafood May Help Reduce Your Risk of Preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is the most common cause of death and disease in both mothers and unborn children worldwide. It is characterized by symptoms of high blood pressure and abnormally high levels of protein in the urine called proteinuria in the twentieth week of pregnancy. If proteinuria is not present, preeclampsia is characterized as a condition of high blood pressure, as well as not enough platelets in the blood called thrombocytopenia. Also, impaired liver and kidney function, excess fluids in the lungs called pulmonary oedema or disturbances to normal organ and brain function.

Omega-3 fat is an essential polyunsaturated fat. This means that your body cannot create this type of fat and you need to get it from your diet. Omega-3 fat plays many important roles in promoting optimal health including its strong anti-inflammatory properties to brain health and psychological function. This fat may also play an essential role in reducing your risk of developing preeclampsia.

A prospective cohort study of one thousand three hundred and two women were studied from 1996-2012. Researchers reported that those women in the top quintile of amount of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) omega-3 fat included in their diet had a lower risk of developing preeclampsia compared to those women in the lowest quintile of intake of DHA. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) omega-3 fat was also reported in this study to reduce the risk of developing preeclampsia.  Both EPA and DHA are types of omega-3 fat commonly found in good amounts in fatty seafood like salmon, herring, mackerel, and sardines.

While the mechanisms of what causes preeclampsia is not fully understood it is thought that oxidative stress and inflammation in the placenta may be two factors which contribute to the development of preeclampsia. It is predicted that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 fat may play a protective role in developing preeclampsia.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin which, like omega-3 fat plays many roles in helping your body function at its best. This includes allowing calcium to be absorbed in your body to promoting an optimal immune system function. Having adequate levels of vitamin D may also play an important role in reducing risk of preeclampsia. In a case control study, it was found that low levels of vitamin D in the blood of both the mother and the umbilical cord were seen in women with preeclampsia compared to those women without preeclampsia.

A key component of preeclampsia is autoimmune dysregulation. The role vitamin D plays in promoting optimal immune system function may be one reason to why this fat-soluble vitamin may be protective in reducing the risk of developing preeclampsia.

A food first approach to health is the best approach whenever possible. Both omega-3 fat and vitamin D are found in good quantities in seafood. One hundred grams of cooked seafood two to three times a week is recommended. Fatty fish like salmon and sardine are also low in mercury being top dwelling fish.

Take home message: Omga-3 fat is an essential fat which plays many important roles in promoting your health and wellbeing throughout life. During pregnancy this polyunsaturated fat may look after the health of not only the mother but also the unborn child by reducing the risk of preeclampsia.


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