9 Key Foods For Men

Selecting my top 9 foods to support men’s health was not an easy task. Each food has different nutrients which may benefit your body and promote health. After much consideration, here are my top 9 key foods for men:

  1. Tomatoes

These fruits (yes they are a fruit) are important for men because they contain the antioxidant called lycopene. Lycopene linked to a decreased risk of prostate cancer. Tomatoes which have been processed are the best choice as they contain more bioavailable lycopene. Try canned tomatoes in a pasta dish or a chicken parmigiana.

  1. Yoghurt

This dairy source has so many health benefits including a source of probiotic which keeps your gut healthy. Having a optimal balance of more probiotic bacteria  help your entire body stay healthy including assisting  metabolism and immune function. Yoghurt is a great source of dairy which keeps your bones and teeth strong and also plays a role in normal muscle contractions.

Dairy has increasing evidence to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and some cancers. Selecting low or no fat sources will help your waistline but the most important factor is getting enough dairy for your health.

  1. Wholegrains

Wholegrains, things like brown rice and pasta, quinoa and couscous, act as prebiotics to the probiotics in your gut. In other words they feed the good bacteria in your gut to make sure they stay healthy and well. Wholegrains are important for your body to get many vitamins and minerals like iron, zinc, copper, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and B vitamins which helps your body make red blood cells as well as use the energy you eat.

  1. Fish

Eating fish 2-3 times a week, with a serving equal to 100g of fish is giving your body a head start to optimal health. Fish contains many important nutrients including omega-3 which supports a healthy heart and brain and is linked to improving your mood.

  1. Rainbow of Vegetables

Why not a specific vegetable? Each vegetable is important in a different way and provides your body with different nutrients, phytochemicals and antioxidants which support the healthiest version of you.

Not one vegetable is the miracle vegetable and when you eat a variety of vegetables of different colours you are providing yourself with more factors which can help prevent many cancers and support your immunity. Vegetables in all forms are a great low energy food with lots of fibre, which helps you feel fuller for longer.

When you include around half of your meal with vegetables you are less likely to overeat. Being a healthy weight not only makes you feel good but not having the dreaded ‘beer belly’ reduces your risk of heart disease.

  1. Bananas

I selected this fruit because it is already packaged, does not require washing and is ready to eat. This fruit is a great source of soluble fibre and potassium which helps your blood pressure stay at a healthy level.

  1. Nuts

30g of nuts (a small handful) a day is a great healthy snack. Nuts are a great source of healthy fats to help support optimal cholesterol levels. The fibre and protein in nuts helps you feel fuller for longer so you won’t be as tempted to reach for the doughnut or muffin in the office kitchen.  Nuts contain magnesium, a nutrient which may decrease your risk of type two diabetes.

  1. Oats

A timeless breakfast choice which has not lost it’s importance in supporting optimal health. It contains three types of fibre, soluble, insoluble and resistant starch. Fibre helps you feel fuller for longer, the soluble fibre helps lower your ‘bad’ cholesterol. Both soluble and resistance starch are prebiotic fibres to support gut health. Insoluble fibre keeps you a regular, healthy customer to the bathroom. Being regular is important for more than comfort but may prevent cancers like colorectal cancer.

  1. Legumes

It is true what they say “baked beans are good for your heart, the more you eat the more you…” Legumes are a great meat alternative which also has an added benefit of containing all three types of fibre. Legumes have many benefits for your health including promoting healthy cholesterol and improving how your body controls the levels of glucose in your blood. Legumes can help with weight management, reduce the risk of diabetes, some cancers and heart disease

Take home message: Give these 9 foods a try to set your body up to take on the world and promote long term health for your best and healthiest version of you!

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