Recent Posts by Ashleigh Feltham

5 Key Minerals to Support an Optimal Functioning Immune System

No one likes getting sick. The system which is responsible for keeping you feeling your best is your immune system. Having an optimal functioning immune system help you to not get sick so often and be as sick for as long. There are many factors which impact your immune system including stress, sleep, and your…
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Omega-3 Fat to Reduce Your Risk of Developing Chronic Kidney Disease

All your organs play an important role in keeping you healthy and well, and one which is a major contributor to your health and life is your kidneys. Your kidneys play many important functions in your body from removing waste products out of your blood, forming urine, and regulating your fluids and blood pressure. Conditions…
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Promote Brain Health with Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral which is a bit of an overachiever in the number of roles it plays in your body. Magnesium is an essential major mineral your body needs to function and can boast to help play a role in over 325 different body functions. Some of the role’s magnesium plays includes supporting normal…
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Protect Your Hearing Using a Whole Diet Approach

Do you enjoy being able to hear the sweet sounds of the birds in the morning? Simple pleasures like having optimal hearing are often something we take for granted. There are certain lifestyle choices you can integrate into your life which may help preserve your hearing. One that you may not have considered is your…
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Key Nutrients to Promote Optimal Gut Barrier Function

A healthy gut is a key component to your health. Your gut barrier is one key component of your gut and plays many important roles. Your intestinal barrier is a complex barrier made up biological, physical, and chemical components. These components have many important roles such as ensuring any potential pathogens remain outside your gut…
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5 Key Nutrients to Help Fight Brain Fog

Having moments when you can tell that your brain is not thinking clearly and in a ‘fog’ can feel frustrating. The good news is that there are certain nutrients which may help to clear the brain fog and help you function at your best. Five key nutrients to add to your diet which may help…
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Could Vitamin D Help Improve Your Cholesterol Levels?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin which has many health benefits. This includes being the key to allow calcium to be absorbed properly in your body to promoting an optimal immune system function. A role which you may be less familiar with is the role that vitamin D may play in promoting optimal cholesterol levels.…
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