Recent Posts by Ashleigh Feltham

Are You Giving Your Gut A Cleaning Break?

Grazing all day may seem like a harmless way of eating if you are within your calorie budget to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. What you may not have considered is that your stomach and gut needs breaks in between times of eating to function at its best and stay in a healthy state.…
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The Missing Link to Successful Weight Loss

Are you one of the many fighting the battle towards achieving weight loss? The success of weight loss can be said to simply coming down to expending more energy than you take in. Exercise and diet are two major players which influence the amount of energy you use and take in. To lose weight you…
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The Power Your Genes Have on Your Gut Microbiome

When you look in the mirror, the colour of your eyes, your skin tone, how tall you are, are all determine by your genes. These are DNA sequences passed down to you from your parents. Your genes also determine whether you are born with conditions like an autoimmune disease. Genes also influence your risk of…
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Add A Spring In Your Step With HDL Cholesterol

You have probably heard of the term cholesterol and how it can influence your heart health. There are different types of cholesterol which have different effects on your body. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is a type of cholesterol which transports cholesterol from your blood stream back to your liver. This helps to keep your arteries…
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Choline: An Essential Nutrient Throughout Your Life

You are not alone if you have neve heard of the nutrient choline. This under-rated nutrient plays many essential roles throughout your lifetime. The important of choline starts during infancy. Choline is essential for the development of your central nervous system. Choline's role in promoting your health and wellbeing does not end at infancy and…
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The Missing Link to Reduce Inflammation

You may have heard in the media about inflammation and how it can cause negative effects on your body. It is important to understand that inflammation is not always the enemy. Inflammation plays an important role in healing and repairing your body. Without inflammation, your body would not heal itself properly after an injury or…
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Seafood May Help Reduce Your Risk of Preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is the most common cause of death and disease in both mothers and unborn children worldwide. It is characterized by symptoms of high blood pressure and abnormally high levels of protein in the urine called proteinuria in the twentieth week of pregnancy. If proteinuria is not present, preeclampsia is characterized as a condition of…
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Could The Gut Microbiome Hold the Key to Allergies in Children?

You are not alone if your child or infant has been diagnosed with a food allergy. In Australia, 10% of infants and 4-8% of children are diagnosed with a food allergy. The most common foods linked to food allergies are soy, shellfish, nuts, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, eggs, wheat, fish, and milk. The cause of…
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