The Low Down on Sprouted Grains

You are not alone if you are not sure exactly what sprouted grains are. Sprouted grains are becoming increasingly popular and you have probably seen them as a choice in your supermarket.

Sprouted grains are classified as a whole grain and are germinated seeds. This means they contain all three parts of a grain being the germ, endosperm and germ. When the seed becomes germinated it increases the ability of nutrients including manganese, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, folic acid calcium and iron to be absorbed by your body. An anti-nutrient called phytic acid is also reduced when the seed becomes germinated.

This does not necessarily mean that whole grain choices are inferior. As these foods also contain more fibre, vitamins and minerals compared to refined grains like white pasta, rice, couscous and bread. Be sure to read the ingredients list for words that include whole wheat

Take home message: Sprouted grains are a great addition to the whole grain varieties in your diet. Each different food provides a different matrix of health benefits to your body and increasing the variety in your diet is a positive choice.

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