Make Friends with Herbs and Spices

Herbs and spices add not only flavour to your meals and snacks but also add many different health benefits. These include antioxidants like polyphenols and phytochemicals. These help to fight off free radicals which, in excess, can cause damage and disease to the cells of your body. Phytochemicals also have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.

Some herbs and spices to add to your cupboard include:

  1. Parsley

Try adding some chopped parsley on top of your scrambled eggs or add as part of a garlic based rub on seafood, chicken or pork. Parsley shines in tabbouleh or even as a part of a pesto.

  1. Dill

This herb works perfectly sprinkled over baked vegetables or salmon or on top of mac and cheese. Add at the end as this herb is delicate and the flavour will be lost if added at the start of the cooking process.

  1. Cumin

Use this earthy tasting spice sparingly as part of a rub for chicken, pork, or seafood. Cumin also works well as part of your chili beans mix for taco Tuesday, as part of a Moroccan vegetable stew or as a vinaigrette in a chickpea based salad.

  1. Cinnamon

This is a great substitute for added sugar on your oats, yoghurt, or in a smoothie.

  1. Oregano

Try adding at the start of cooking and to a tomato-based pasta sauce. Make a savoury breads by including fresh and dried oregano. Include as part of a marinade or pesto. This herb also works well with broccoli.

  1. Thyme

This herb has a slightly sour flavour and could be compared to a mild tasting lemon. Thyme works well with seafood and vegetables. Try adding this herb to a rub for chicken, pork, turkey, or seafood or into a soup or broth. Try adding thyme sprigs into your extra virgin olive oil for two weeks to infuse the oil. As a sturdy herb at the start of cooking.

Helpful hints when using spices and herbs:

  • Herbs can pair perfectly with fruit. Check out my blog 'How To Make Infused Water' for inspiration. Other ways you can use herbs and fruit include adding mint on top of a fruit salad or pairing cut peaches with basil. Lemon and rosemary are the great combination when making a tea cake.
  • Stems of herbs can be added to sauces, broths, or soups at the initial stages to help enhance the flavours.
  • Fat and heat bring out the flavour in spices. Add spices in the final minute of cooking to maximise the flavour potential.


Take home message: Next time you are tossing up between adding a sauce or herbs and spices to your dish remember the nutrition powerhouse herbs and spices give your body without the added sugar and salt.

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