How to Beat the Odds and Achieve Long Term Weight Loss


Did you know that 95% of eating patterns fail long term? The good news is there are ways which you can increase your chances to make your eating pattern a lifestyle. Try these 5 tips to beat the odds:

  1. Set up for success

Fill your pantry and fridge with foods which fit your eating style. Having some easy ‘go-to’ snacks and meals prepared is a great way to stay successful when you are time poor. Try setting a day to shop and meal prep every week to give yourself the best chance of success.

This also includes your work environment. Try bringing your lunch rather than being a victim to the choices available at the food court and stack up your desk draw with healthy snack combos like:

  1. Small 30g bags of unsalted nuts with 15g air popped corn
  2. 2-3 crackers or rice cakes with 95g of tuna in spring water or 1 tablespoon of 100% peanut butter
  1. Know your why

Write down specific reasons why you have chosen this eating style and how it benefits you. Place these reasons in a location you can see them easily to be a constant reminder to keep your motivation high.

  1. Keep food social

Choosing to eat around friends and family allows food to be more than just fuel but a tool to improve mental wellness and enhance social connectivity. On top of this when you eat with others you are more likely to appreciate and be mindful of the food in front of you.


  1. Focus on what you can eat

In any eating pattern it is easy to focus on all the foods which you can’t eat. Try changing your thinking and focus on all the foods which you can eat. By focusing on the options that you do have available your mind will not feel deprived and restricted which is a huge factor playing in your favour.

  1. Failure is not final

If you find there are days where you slip remember a one-off occasion will not kill your long-term success health success. Being able to ‘get back on the horse’ after a slip is a skill which is key to making your chosen eating pattern a lifestyle.


Take home message: Long term success is possible, try adding these tips and see if a short time eating pattern can lead to a lifestyle.

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