Fermented Foods Are Much More Than the Latest Food Fad


Gut health has found a new pedestal in popular trends and with it the foods which can help your gut. Fermented foods are one of these foods but are much more than a chance selected food. Fermented foods have been enjoyed for many thousands of years.

Yoghurt, sauerkraut and kimchi are three examples which date back to have their origins before Bible times. The hero is fermented foods comes in the probiotics within them. Food is the best source to help give your gut a variety and enough good bacteria or probiotics for health.

Each person’s gut microbiome is different just as each person’s fingerprint is different. Food is a safe way to consume different probiotic varieties which you may not get from a single supplement of specific probiotic strains. It is recommended to include 2 serves of different probiotic foods in your day to give your gut a range and variety of probiotics.

By adding fermented foods, you are not only improving your microbiome but your overall health. There is a strong connection between your brain and gut and can heavily influence your mental health. In addition to this improve your metabolism, immunity and organ health to mention just a few.

Here is a list of fermented foods to try in your week:

  1. Kefir
  2. Tempeh
  3. Yoghurt
  4. Miso
  5. Sauerkraut
  6. Kimchi
  7. Natto
  8. Sourdough bread
  9. Kombucha


Take home message: Jump on board with this food fad. Fermented foods, when added to a balanced diet can have many health benefits.

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