Excellent Entree’s by Real Good Foods

If your taste buds only want the best, then you must try these three excellent entrees by Real Good Foods. On top of satisfying your taste buds these entree’s also look after your health.

I respect the commitment of Real Good Foods which aim to make nutritious foods which are high in protein, low in carbohydrates and no added sugar. Real Good Foods make meals which are more accessible to everyone to make health easier to achieve.

Each entree gives your body a decent amount of protein. Protein keeps you feeling fuller for longer and is needed to make and repair all the cells in your body. The Chicken Burrito Bowl and Cauliflower Mash & Braised Beef both have 16g per serve. The Chicken Lasagne Bowl had a huge 32g per bowl. Secondly all three entrees are low in total net carbohydrates with 3G per serve and have no added sugar. All three bowls are also 100% grain and gluten free.

Cauliflower Mash & Braised Beef  Bowl is made in a low-carb style using riced cauliflower mixed with cheddar sauce and topped with braised beef.

Chicken Lasagna Bowl is made with thinly sliced chicken lasagne noodles, marinara sauce, and a blend of ricotta, parmesan, and mozzarella cheese.

My favourite the Chicken Burrito Bowl is made in a low-carb Spanish-style using cauliflower rice, black beans, and chicken.

Cauliflower is a star in two of these bowls and is a good choice as this vegetable is high in:

  • B vitamins (Thiamine, Riboflavin Pantothenic Acid, Niacin, Folate and B6.)- An umbrella role of the B vitamins is they are vital for your body to be able to covert the food you eat into energy for your body to use.
  • Magnesium –Helps maintain your body make protein and regulate the metabolism of your cells.
  • Phosphorus- A vital mineral required for every cell in your body to be able to function normally. Around 85% of phosphorous binds with calcium to form your bones and teeth.
  • Vitamin K –Acts as an antioxidant as well as helps your blood to clot.
  • Manganese –Plays a key role in making energy from the food you eat.
  • Choline – This nutrient helps repair and maintain the outer parts of your cells and assists in brain development. It can also improve your memory by supporting a part of your brain known as the hippocampus.
  • Sulphoraphane –A compound found in vegetables which can help protect your arteries from damage by activating a protein which is normally dormant in part of your arteries, making it vulnerable to disease.
  • Vitamin E-linked to long term brain health and potentially moderately reducing the risk of Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease

Black beans add gut loving fibre and a type called prebiotic fibre which feeds the health promoting microbes in your gut. A healthy gut microbiome is essential for your overall health. Black beans are also a source of folate which is needed to make and repair DNA. Also, magnesium, manganese, and thiamine.

Cheese keeps your bones and teeth strong as a great source of calcium. Calcium is also needed for normal muscle contractions. Cheese also gives your body vitamin B12 and choline which support your central nervous system to function at its best. Also, the vitamins A and D which help to optimise your immune system function. Vitamin A also plays an important role in eye health and vitamin D is needed for proper absorption of calcium in your body.


Take home message: If you are living a busy life and are time poor but do not want to sacrifice your health then Real Good Foods is a good option to add to your week.

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