Do You Know the Difference Between Collagen and Gelatin?


Collagen is gaining popularity in both fitness and cosmetic spheres. Collagen has some support to assist in ligament and tendon injury recovery and may support nail, hair, and skin health. Do you know the difference between collagen and gelatin? Read on to clear up any confusion:


This is when collagen is boiled and becomes a gel called gelatin. Gelatin is then dried again and sold as a powder. Gelatin is great to be used as a setting agent in jelly, marshmallows or to thicken soups.


Collagen is a protein which has structural roles in your body. It helps create ligaments and tendons, is a part of your bones, GI tract, hair, skin, and nails. Your body’s ability to produce collagen can be inhibited by stress, excess sun exposure, as you age, a highly processed diet with inadequate protein and smoking.

For your body to make collagen it needs protein as well as minerals copper and zinc and vitamin C. Having a balanced diet with enough lean meats or alternatives like seafood, legumes, nuts and seeds, dairy or alternatives including tofu and soy milk, fruits and vegetables will easily give your body everything it needs to make collagen without needing a supplement.


Take home message: Collagen is one of the many important proteins your body needs to function at its best. There is no need to go out and spend excess money on supplements if your diet is well balanced. If you feel lost send me an email and I can help you in the right direction.


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