Are You Giving Your Body the Benefits of Sprouted Grains?

Do you enjoy creating masterpieces in the kitchen? If you are using conventional flours or plain organic flours, you are missing the delicious taste experience and additional health benefits of sprouted grains Second Spring Foods flours and bake mixes.

Sprouted grains are not a new food technology and have been recorded as far back at 1350BC in Egypt. Unlike refined flours where parts of the grain are removed and hence part of the health benefits nothing is removed in sprouted grains. The process simply includes the addition of water.

Each seed and grain sprout with maximal nutrition and digestibility at different times. Second Spring take care to sprout the different grains at their optimal times to provide your body with maximal health benefits.

Second Spring Foods provide organic products and source their grains and seeds only from the highest quality sources. This also means that the product you are enjoying is sustainable and is looking after the health of the planet as well as your body.

Once the grains and seeds are dried the whole grain is milled so you do not miss out on any of the nutrients a full grain can offer your body. Sprouted grains are classified as a whole grain and are germinated seeds. This means they contain all three parts of a grain being the germ, endosperm, and germ.

Wholegrain flours like the products available at Second Spring give your body more health benefits than the refined organic and conventional white flours. Whole grain flour gives your body additional including fibre for a healthy gut function. Fibre also help you to achieve and maintain a healthy weight by keeping you feeling fuller for longer. Also, promotes a healthy blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Fibre also helps to reduce your risk of certain cancers like colorectal cancer.

Whole grains also give your body more vitamins and minerals like iron, zinc for a strong immune system and copper. Also, B vitamins to allow your body to make energy from the food you eat. Phosphorous and manganese for strong bones and copper needed for making red blood cells and maintaining your nerve cells.

When the seed becomes germinated it increases the ability of nutrients including manganese, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, folic acid calcium and iron to be absorbed by your body. An anti-nutrient called phytic acid is also reduced when the seed becomes germinated.

You may be one of the many people who feel digestive discomfort when eating flours made from unsprouted grains. Second Spring Foods may be the flours your digestive system has been waiting for. When the grain is sprouted it activates enzymes that partially digest the protein, carbohydrates and fats within the grain. What is left is smaller, more easily digestible components of these macronutrients. This means that when your body digests the food its job is made easier and may allow you to enjoy foods which previously gave you too much gut upset.

If you are hesitant on how to use sprouted grains, Second Spring Foods flours and baking mixes can be used as you would conventional flours. The sprouting process stabilized the natural oils found in wheat which extends the shelf life and makes it a user-friendly choice for all baking enthusiasts.

The taste of Second Spring Foods flours gives your taste buds the enjoyment of the pleasant, richer, more complex flavours a whole grain provides. Your final baked product will not be heavy as Second Spring Foods have created flours which give you moist, fluffy and soft final masterpieces.

Take home message: If you are ready to give your body maximum nutrition, ease digestibility and experience a perfect baking experience then Second Spring Foods sprouted grain flours and baking mixes are for you.

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