Apple and Coconut Cream Tea Cake

Apple and Coconut Cream Tea Cake

Serves: 6



1 tin of Nature’s Charm Coconut Whipping Cream

½ cup apple pieces (peeled and cubed)

1 cup wholemeal self-raising flour

¼ cup coconut sugar

½ cup milk

1 egg

3 tbsp melted coconut oil

1 tsp vanilla essence



  1. Preheat the oven to 175 degrees Celsius.
  2. In a food processor add apple and process until a puree consistency.
  3. In a mixing bowl add the coconut oil and the coconut sugar together.
  4. Add in the egg, vanilla essence and milk into the bowl and whisk well until well combined.
  5. Add in the wholemeal flour while continue to mix.
  6. Add in the apple pure and continue to mix.
  7. Pour the cake batter into a loaf pan.
  8. Bake for around 30 minutes or until a fork comes out clean.
  9. Allow the cake to cool.
  10. Spread the Nature’s Charm Coconut Whipping Cream on top.
  11. Enjoy!


This is a perfect tea cake to brighten up any morning or afternoon tea. Eggs and milk provide a complete protein which means all the essential amino acids that your body needs to get from food to create a protein. Also, vitamin D and A which both support an optimal immune system function. Vitamin A also helps to keep your eyes working at their best and vitamin D is needed for your body to absorb calcium.

Coconut oil and Nature’s Charm Coconut Whipping Cream contains fat which is needed to properly absorb the fat-soluble vitamins. Coconut is also a source of antioxidants which helps to protect your body from free radicals which can cause damage and disease to the cells of your body.

Coconut is a great source of gut loving fibre as well as vitamins and minerals. These include the mineral manganese which is needed to activate key enzymes involved in the formation of bone, tendons, and ligaments. Also, coconut is a great source of potassium which is a mineral needed to regulate healthy blood pressure levels.

Coconut is a good source of magnesium which keeps your nerves and muscles working well. Also, phosphorous which is needed to create strong bones. Coconut is a source of plant based non-haem iron which is needed to transport oxygen around your body and plays an important role in optimal immune system function.

Milk is a great source of calcium which is needed to keep your bones and teeth strong. Also, iodine which is supports the health of your thyroid. Both eggs and milk are sources of B12 which is needed for normal central nervous system function.

Apples add more antioxidants to the cake as well as vitamin C which supports your immune system to work at its best as well as is needed to make the protein collagen. Collagen is needed for healthy tendons and ligaments as well as keeping your skin looking youthful. Apples are also a source of pectins which act as a prebiotic fibre and feed the good bacteria in your gut.

Wholemeal self-raising flour will give your body B vitamins which are needed to make energy from the food you eat as well as more fibre than refined flours. More than 70% of adults and more than 50% of children are not meeting their daily fibre needs so adding more fibre is always a good thing. If you are looking for a cake that tastes great and also includes health benefit this cake is for you!






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