A factor which may increase your health and lifespan!

There are endless articles telling you what you need to eat for health, but have you considered foods you need to eat to increase your health and lifespan? NAD+ is an enzyme which should be at the forefront of your mind if you want to increase your health span as well as your lifespan.

Studies have shown as you age your levels of NAD+ decrease, by the time you are 50 years old your levels of NAD+ are 40% less from when you were 20 years old. NAD+ enables a protein in your cell called sirtuins which play a role in preventing age related disease and disfunction. When there is no longer enough NAD+ the results start to wreak havoc on your body in forms of disease and risk of conditions like:

  1. Loss of youthful skin
  2. Increased fat levels
  3. Loss of muscle
  4. Depression
  5. Heart disease and dysfunction
  6. Loss of immune function
  7. Diabetes
  8. Fatty Liver Disease
  9. Poor eye sight
  10. DNA left unrepaired and damaged which can increase risk of cancer.
  11. Death

The news is not all bad, there is a factor which can be found both in supplement and food sources which may help replenish and maintain your NAD+ stores called nicotinamide riboside. This factor is found in sources of vitamin B3 and found in foods like:

  1. Dairy milk – much higher amounts compared to most plant-based milk sources unless fortified with higher amounts.
  2. Yeast
  3. Chicken
  4. Green vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, avocado, edamame and peas.
  5. Tomato
  6. Cabbage


The unfortunate news is food sources do contain limited amounts of nicotinamide riboside and a supplement may be your best bet to achieve adequate amounts. The downside is it is possible to overdose on the supplement form. Always consult with youe GP to make sure you are taking a safe amount for your body and health needs as well as limiting any potential interactions with other medications.


Take home message: The key to endless life and health is not yet know but nicotinamide riboside may be one factor which may prove to increase your longevity and health span.

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