4 Strategies to Reduce Recurring Haemorrhoids

You are not alone if you suffer from the discomfort of haemorrhoids. Almost three out of four adults will develop this condition at some point in their lifetime. Haemorrhoids occur when the veins in your anus and lower rectum swell due to excessive straining. It can also happen if you are pregnant due to the increased pressure, with aging and your risk of haemorrhoids increases if you are obese. Haemorrhoids are usually not painful and often disappear by themselves. In some cases, a blockage can occur in the vein and this can make haemorrhoids painful, cause bleeding or itching.

There are ways you can reduce the likelihood of developing haemorrhoids on repeated occasions.  Try these four strategies:

Movement is Medicine.

Movement keeps your whole body working at its best and keeps things moving more easily through your gut. This will reduce the need to strain when you need to open your bowels.

Healthy Toilet Habits

When you are on the toilet do not strain or hold onto your breath as your lower rectum will experience an increase in pressure. Also, if you need to go to the toilet it is important not to hold on and ignore the urge. This can cause your stool to lose fluid and make it much difficult to pass later.

Remember to Drink Enough Fluid

Fibre needs fluid to work its magic in your gut. If your urine is a dark yellow this is a good sign that you need to increase the amount you are drinking. Aim for a pale yellow and you are on the right track.

Does Your Diet Include Enough Fibre?

If you are not meeting your daily fibre needs, then you are likely having to strain because of constipation. Over 70% of Australian adults and over 50% of Australian children are not meeting their recommended daily fibre needs required for health. Adults need between 25-38g of fibre each day.

Structuring your day so each meal and snack has some form of plant-based food is a good starting point. Foods like wholegrains, nuts, seeds, vegetables, legumes, and fruit. Before you head to the shops and fill your day with lots of fibre, it is important to start slowly as increasing fibre too fast can make constipation and straining worse.

Take home message: Make going to the bathroom a pleasant and not a painful experience by adopting these four strategies.



  1. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/hemorrhoids/eating-diet-nutrition#:~:text=Eating%20foods%20that%20are%20high%20in%20fiber%20can,help%20the%20fiber%20in%20your%20diet%20work%20better.
  2. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hemorrhoids/symptoms-causes/syc-20360268

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