4 Food Combos Which Boost Your Health Benefits

Are you keen to enhance the nutrition your body receives from the nutrients in your food? Then you need to know about these combos:

  1. Kidney beans and capsicum

Most beans and lentils will give your body a source of non-animal or non-haem iron. The catch is this type of iron is heavily impacted by other nutrients to the amount you absorb. By adding a source of vitamin C like that found in capsicum you increase the amount of iron your body will absorb!

  1. Yoghurt and Sun Rays

Yoghurt is a rich source of calcium but the ability of your body to absorb calcium is determined by many factors including if you have adequate vitamin D status. Foods which are a source of vitamin D include fish, egg yolk, UV exposed mushroom, margarine and other fortified products. The most effective way is making sure you get enough sun. The amount you need can change depending on how much you cover up, the colour of your skin, where you live and the time of year.

  1. Turmeric and Pepper

Turmeric may help reduce inflammation in your body due to the main active ingredient called curcumin. Studies suggest turmeric may also help reduce your unhealthy cholesterol levels, relieve a headache and reduce osteoarthritis pain. One study showed the benefits absorbed by your body can be enhanced by as much as 2000% by adding pepper to the combo due to the alkaloid component within the pepper.

  1. Salad and Egg

A salad and egg sandwich are a delicious combo any day. The vitamin A found in brightly coloured vegetables like capsicum, carrot, tomato, pumpkin and green leafy vegetables called carotenoids are needed for your optimal immunity. Vitamin A also helps to give your skin a healthy glow and keeps your vision sharp.

One study found the carotenoids were absorbed 3.8-fold higher when 3 eggs where included in the salad compared to none. The fat within the yolk is what helps the fat-soluble vitamin to be absorbed better. A bonus is the yolk also contains its own vitamin A as well as many other beneficial vitamins and minerals. If you are not a fan of egg adding an oil like extra virgin olive oil to your lunch will achieve the same benefit.


Take home message: Why settle for healthy when your body can maximise the nutrients you provide your body through food you eat to become ultra-healthy!

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