Category Archives: Nutrition

How to Meet Your Daily Fibre Needs

Did you know that over 70% of Australian adults and over 50% of Australian children are not getting the recommended amount of daily fibre needed for health? Fibre is vital for a healthy gut as well as to support stable blood sugar levels, promote healthy blood pressure levels and a healthy weight. Adults need between…
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Have You Been Missing Out on The Health Benefits of Black Garlic?

When you think of garlic you may think a vegetable which helps keep vampires away, but what you may not know is that this little vegetable has been used since 3000BC for medicinal purposes. There is no denying that garlic tastes amazing on bread layered with butter, but it also has healthful benefits for your…
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Do You Know What A Functional Food Is?

You may have noticed the term ‘functional food’ on products in your supermarket but not sure exactly what this term means. Most food provides nutrients which help your body to function such as carbohydrates for energy and protein for cell repair. Function foods are a class beyond the basic macronutrients a food can provide. To…
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How You Can Still Enjoy Bread on A Low Carb Diet Thanks to PBCo

There is nothing better than the smell of toast in the morning. If you have missed the joyful experience of eating toast in the morning because you are following a low carb diet, then this blog will make your day. PBCo has created 6 Seeds Protein Bread which only has 2.5 g of total carbohydrates…
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Enjoy Wholegrains to Protect Your Body Against Breast Cancer

Breast cancer can affect both men and women alike. While there are risk factors such as your genetics which are out of your control there are lifestyle choices like your diet which influences your risk. One food alone cannot protect your body as it is the combined effects of your entire diet which influence your…
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Have You Included The 5 Tastes Needed to Satisfy Your Taste Buds?

Did you know that by including all the 5 tastes in your meal you are less likely to overeat? The 5 tastes being sweet, sour, salty, butter and umami work together to satisfy your taste buds. Each of these tastes are recognised by different parts of your tongue and it seems the more of your…
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Have Your Tried Nerada Tea’s New Herbal Infusions with Probiotics?

Nerada Tea has been a trusted name for quality teas since the 1960s. It is a brand which does right by the planet with Rainforest Alliance Certification for the pesticide-free black tea. This leading Australian tea company has just taken tea to even greater heights with its new Herbal Infusions with Probiotics blends. Each of…
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