Category Archives: Myth Busting

Another Win for Seafood Lovers and Plant-Based Diets

The health benefits of including more plants and seafood in your diet are well known. A recent study has now added another potential health benefit regarding the severity of COVID-19 symptoms experienced. 2884 healthcare workers from 6 different countries reported their diet type, demographic information and COVID-19 severity. A diet higher in animal-based proteins like…
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How to Make Infused Water

Do you struggle drinking enough water? Drinking water by itself can be a challenge especially if you find the taste of water difficult to consume enough to stay hydrated. Try making your own infused water to add delicious flavour as well as vitamins and antioxidants without the extra sugar of a soft drink. To make…
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Fibre: Your Body’s Best Friend

Fibre plays many roles in optimising the health of your body, from helping remove waste products from your body to promoting and maintain a healthy body weight. Talking about toilet habits may not seem civilised but it is an important part of your health. Your body needs to excrete waste products regularly to keep your…
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Do You Want to Know the Secrets to Healthy and Glowing Skin?

Do you want youthful and glowing skin? The answer lies in your gut. A system which is far below that of your skin but directly influences the health of your skin through the skin-gut axis. This is a direct line of communication from your gut to your skin. When your gut is made up of…
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How To Make Your Body Love Your Comfort Food Choices

Wintertime is the perfect time to enjoy warm, hearty meals and snacks. Some of these food choices may please your taste buds but lack the love of other addition health benefits. Here are some easy ways to still enjoy your comfort foods but not forgetting the health of your body: Hot Chips Try making your…
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Stress Less By Munching On Some Fruit and Vegetables

Are you the 9 in 10 Australians not eating enough vegetables each day or the 1 in 2 not enjoying the recommended servings of fruit daily? The health benefits of including enough of these two food groups in your day is long listing from optimal immune system function, healthy weight, reduced risk of chronic diseases…
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Are Your Replacing Your Lost Electrolytes?

It can be easy to forget to drink enough fluids to keep your body healthy. Giving your body enough fluid to function optimally is vital as you are made up of around 60% water. If you are a heavy  or salty sweater you may also need to consider replacing lost electrolytes to keep your body…
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A Snapshot of How Your Nutrition Influences Your Immune System

Your immune system is impacted by many factors. These include alcohol, smoking, genetics, stress, fitness level, obesity, medication, and sleep quality just to name a few. Your diet is one factor which is under your control and can make a major impact on the strength of your immune system and its function. Ensuring your diet…
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