Category Archives: Eating Behaviour

An oil which makes vegetables even BETTER for you!

Would you be interested in learning about ways to make your vegetables tastier and better for you? Then read on as there is olive oil can increase the cancer fighting properties of your vegetables. Plants have cancer fighting properties called phytonutrients which act like a shield for the plant. When you eat the plants, these…
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Pump Your Iron

Pump your iron!  I am not talking about lifting weights but the mighty mineral iron. Iron forms an important part of haemoglobin or the protein in your red blood cells. Red blood cells allow oxygen to be carried throughout your body which every cells needs to survive. Without enough iron you are more likely to…
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Optimize Your Health Using The Little Guys

The body is an amazing network which is constantly working to keep us healthy and what we eat influences how efficiently it runs. Just like a car with each component important to optimal function the vitamins each play a vital role in keeping the body being the optimal working machine. This article focuses on the…
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Have You Been Ignoring This Amazing Spice?

The spice I am referring to is turmeric! A spice which has been used for centuries in Asian cooking but until recently has been ignored in western culture. This spice has many nutrition benefits and could be a potential weapon against many inflammatory diseases and skin conditions. How does turmeric work? Turmeric contains a chemical…
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Caffeine: Benefits with Balance

Caffeine could be described as the lifeblood of many people. There are many potential benefits of enjoying moderate consumption of this stimulant. This includes assisting weight loss, by suppressing appetite and stimulating fat burning in your body. Although these effects are moderate and not large enough to make noticeable in weight. Caffeine may help you…
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Family Friendly Fast Food

  Fast Food can sometimes be an inevitable option. Here are a few tips to get you and your kids through the drive through without driving over your health at the same time.   Set rules to choices offered   Before entering the fast food shop or drive through let your kids know of the…
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The After Effect

Too many of us allow eating for health and wellness to fall into the too hard bucket, which is easy to do. What you may not know is your body responds to the nutrition you feed it. Your cells are continually regenerating and just like updating a car you can either upgrade its capacity or…
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