
Could Your Body Clock Be Sabotaging Your Weight Loss?

We all know that eating more energy than you expend over time will lead to you gaining weight. What you may not have considered is the role that the hormone melatonin may be playing in adding extra kilos to your waistline. When your body prepares for sleep the levels of a hormone called melatonin increase…
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Are You Being Tricked Into Thinking Almond Milk Is A Milk?

Are You Being Tricked Into Thinking Almond Milk Is A Milk? You may be shocked to discover almond milk is classified as a juice. The same can be said for rice, coconut, hemp, potato or hemp ‘milks’. You may think it is harmless for your body to replace milk with the trendy alternatives but this…
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Are You Wasting Your Time Using Bathroom Scales?

Are you more than just a number? Firstly the question is what this number is exactly. Standard bathroom scales tell you a number which is how much you weigh in total but completely disregards what this weight is made from. There are circumstances such as in hospitals when scales are appropriate and needed to help…
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Have We Forgotten About Food?

I am sure after reading this headline there would be many who would laugh as food is a necessity and joy to life and we think about it at least a few times over a day. What has been forgotten by many is the health of whole foods. There are many trends in the media…
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Mind Your Sugar Intake For Mind’s Sake

Do you want to be the healthiest and happiest version of you? To see the world through optimistic eyes? Well a study hot off the press published in Scientific Reports discovered a potential negative impact of sugar beyond the know impacts to your waistline. This study of 23245 individuals reported men who consumed 67g of…
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Do You Enjoy Breaking A Sweat With Your Meal?

Just like many things in life it comes down to individual taste but if you are part of the many who enjoy some heat with your meal or beverage then read on. The benefits of enjoying chilli in your diet go beyond the unique experience chilli provides to your food or drink. Using chilli (also…
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Bugs for Breakfast, Are You Game?

If you are in the majority of people you are likely to enjoy some form of meat be it be from a steak, tuna or chicken but what about a bug? With the growing demands on the planet due to more people and increasing wealth in previously poorer nations the demand for meat in increasing…
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Can Increasing The Variety In Your Diet Be Making You Fat?

Does increasing the variety in your diet lead you to eating more? If you enjoy eating a smorgasbord of different foods each day of the week this could be unintentionally adding cm’s to your waistline. Firstly you may be thinking that variety is important to get all the nutrients your body needs for health and…
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