Cow’s milk has its fair share of haters in the media, with trends to substitute the beverage with other milk substitutes like almond, coconut, or rice milk. These milk ‘wannabes’ have nothing on the potential of cow’s milk to help you maintain a healthy weight and support your overall health. So, what is so fantastic…
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Are You Overworking for A Healthy Diet?
Now more than ever there is a greater understanding of the importance and influence of what you put in your mouth has. The need to provide your body with the best to be your best may make you sceptical of the frozen food section. Frozen food has often been associated with calorie laden desert choices…
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What is the Wheat Belly Diet?
Do you want to optimise your ability to use energy to maintain and achieve a healthy weight? Your thyroid is one major key player to this and is a small but significant butterflied shaped gland in the front of your neck just below your Adams apple. Roles which are given to your thyroid include: Controlling…
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Key Foods You Need for a Healthy Metabolism
Do you want to optimise your ability to use energy to maintain and achieve a healthy weight? Your thyroid is one major key player to this and is a small but significant butterflied shaped gland in the front of your neck just below your Adams apple. Roles which are given to your thyroid include: Controlling…
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Is Your Behaviour Sabotaging Your Goals?
If you open any magazine you will see the next fad diet or super food claiming to be the solution to an expanding waistline. However, the reason may not be due to the food at all but the way you are eating. Behaviour around food can be your best friend or your worst enemy and…
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Is Carb Cycling the Key to Weight Loss?
Carb cycling is not a new strategy but has been used mostly by elite endurance athletes to maximise performance. How it works is during days of competition or training athletes would include carbohydrate in their diet but on off days carbohydrate intake would drop substantially. The theory behind this is by increasing carbohydrates when you…
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A Diet to Increase Your Fertility
If you are struggling to get pregnant you are not alone. There are many women who are continually struggling to conceive and one of the many potential factors which may be affecting your chances include your diet. The first question which you need to ask yourself is are your getting your recommended serves of fruit…
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Would You Like To Know The Perfect Diet For You?
Would you like to be able to tailor your nutrition to your individual needs based on the genes specific to you? Nutritional genomics could be the future of nutrition and mean there is no longer blanket recommendations for best nutrition. As humans 99.99% of our genes are identical, but it is the 0.01% that makes…
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