Berkanan: The Addition to Your Wardrobe You Need to Celebrate Your Body

If you believe the advertising in the media, there is one size of optimal health for women. As an Accredited Practising Dietitian and fitness professional I can let you know this is a myth. Not only does this one size not equal health for all women but can represent ill health.

When you are giving your body health through a balanced diet and movement to live your best life the size you are that represents this should not only be accommodated but celebrated. Berkanan is an inclusive brand which does this.

Berkanan is tailored for women who have found this feeling of wellness. It designed to fit your body shape when it is at its healthiest. Their gorgeous apparel caters for women in sizes 10 to 24 (soon to include size 8 too). Berkanan’s winter range is currently made up of loungewear and sleepwear. The loungewear is amazingly comfortable but is stylish enough to rock when your girlfriends come over for brunch. The sleepwear is trendy, comfortable and make you feel feminine.

Stayed tuned as the summer collection which is soon to be released. This collection will contain activewear as well as a greater range of stunning sleepwear. You can rest assured that when you buy Berkanan apparel you will not leave yourself with a personal loan in doing so.

We should be different sizes and shapes and fashion should help you celebrate this. You deserve to not only feel accepted but celebrated in your healthiest body size. Your body changes as you age, and we all come in different shapes and sizes. This is not a failure of the human body but is what makes us more beautiful as women.

Take home message: It is time to celebrate your body in its healthiest version. Stop listening to media which discredit most body sizes and shapes. In many cases trying to achieve this one size is not only unachievable but represents ill health. Start wearing fashion brands like Berkanan, which celebrates your body looks when it is at its healthiest and you are feeling your best.

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