Category Archives: Myth Busting

Removing Confusion Around The Health Benefits Of Drinking Tea

Tea is not just a delicious beverage with an almost magically calming effect but is full of health benefits for your body. A beverage which has been enjoyed for centuries and after water is the most consumed fluid in the world. Including tea as part of your day can help reduce your risk of diabetes,…
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Fad Diets are not your Friend

Weight loss can seem hard so you would be forgiven for opting for a quick fad diet but how often have these quick fixes failed? The four most common barriers to maintained weight loss reported in a study was mental distress, hedonic hunger, binge eating and demoralization. These factors are almost inevitable for any fad…
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Eggs Are Back On The Menu!

It’s officially time to give the humble egg a hi five! It has been battered and bruised with misconceptions and research is finally strong enough to celebrate this humble food. Eggs which include the yolk can be enjoyed freely as part of a balanced diet. The consideration is those with high cholesterol or type 2…
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Foods to Help Reduce Bloating

Are you one of the many who suffer from bloating? Being bloated can feel uncomfortable and embarrassing. There can be many causes of bloating based on food sensitivities as well other factors like anxiety, stress or medications. If you have irritable bowel syndrome this can be due to poorly digested carbohydrates known as FODMAPS (Fermentable…
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Fermented Foods Are Much More Than the Latest Food Fad

  Gut health has found a new pedestal in popular trends and with it the foods which can help your gut. Fermented foods are one of these foods but are much more than a chance selected food. Fermented foods have been enjoyed for many thousands of years. Yoghurt, sauerkraut and kimchi are three examples which…
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Intermittent Fast to Increase Your Lifespan

Intermittent fasting may at first seem just another fad, but science says there could be more to this way of eating. A study assessing the evidence from both animal and human studies concluded intermittent fasting could help slow or even reverse the signs of aging. On top of this help reduce the effects of many…
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Vitamin D in Chocolate?!

If you are like most of us, you need no convincing to enjoy a piece or two or three of chocolate. Saying this, just in case there is any guilt associated with this pleasure you need to read on. Research has shown over and over the health benefits of dark chocolate are due to its…
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How Does Your Meal Kit Delivery Service Stack Up?

You may be one of the many who have or are using a meal kit service to save time, but are you saving your health too? A recent study has found the answers and the results come with both good and bad news. What was investigated: 12 recipes from four weekly boxes of three meals…
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