
Have You Thanked Your Older Sibling for Your Gut Microbiome?

The next time you see your older sibling make sure you give them a high-five. Research suggests that there are many health benefits to having siblings including a lower risk of developing allergies as well as irritable bowel disease. New research adds another reason to thank your older siblings with potential links to increase the…
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Calcium: Your Missing Factor to Weight Loss Success

When you were a child, you probably have heard at least once about the importance of getting enough calcium to help to keep your teeth and bones strong. What you may not be aware of is the importance of calcium goes beyond strong bones and teeth. Calcium is also needed for normal muscle contractions, regulating…
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A Must-Read If You Experience Period Pain

Are you one of the many women who experience period pain? Period pain or medically termed dismenorrhoea reported to affect approximately 80% of women. It can make that time of the month less than optimal and may even affect your quality of life and function. The cause of period pain comes down to compounds called…
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Get Your Best Night’s Sleep by Looking After Your Gut Health

Do you struggle falling asleep or achieving a quality night’s rest? You are not alone if you find getting to sleep and staying asleep a mission. Approximately 13-33% of Australians find falling or staying asleep a battle. There are many factors that can affect your sleep quality. One which may surprise you is the role…
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Reduce Your Risk of Dementia by Meeting Your Dietary Fibre Needs Each Day

Keeping your mind healthy for life is important to promote optimal quality of life. You may not have thought of the impact that your gut microbiome plays in contributing to your brain health. This includes your risk of developing dementia. Dementia is defined by the Alzheimer’s Association as ‘a general term for loss of memory,…
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Vitamin D Deficiency Could Promote Chronic Inflammation

Your body requires tight regulation to function at its best. Each vitamin and mineral play a role in helping your body achieve and maintain this balance. One of the vitamins which plays many roles in promoting your health and wellbeing is vitamin D. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin which you can get from the…
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