
3 Diet Fails Which Stop You Succeeding

If you are like many people, you have tried and failed at least once on a diet. So, what went wrong and why is it so hard to gain and maintain results? Here are 3 common diet fails which are stopping you from achieving your results:   You Follow a Fad Diet How do you…
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Does The Word Lactose Make You Cringe?

Do you feel like the only one whose stomach refuses to agree with drinking cow's milk? It may be comforting to know that you are not alone. In America alone there are 20 to 30 million people who suffer through the discomfort of lactose not agreeing with them. So what is lactose intolerance? Lactose intolerance…
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Eating to be a Workout Weapon!

Do you want to maximise the results you achieve from a workout and feel your best during training? Then this blog is a must read. Before a working out it is important to include two components. Firstly, fuel your muscles for the activity with carbohydrates. Carbohydrates break down into glucose which the muscle cells use…
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Eat A Rainbow of Colours To Protect Your Body

If you have read the title of this blog I am not implying you go out and try to eat a rainbow. The smorgasbord of vegetable varieties include all the colours of the rainbow and each  vegetable type and colour contains different health benefits for your body. This allows it to function as a well-oiled…
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Take The Pressure Down

  How high is your blood pressure? If you are thinking that this reading is not important I have some bad news. High blood pressure means your heart needs to work above a healthy level to pump your blood around your body. This, over the long term can lead to unwanted results like a heart…
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To Get Enough Protein You Need To Eat Steak, Right?

You would not be alone if you thought the only way to get enough protein your body needs to eat meat. Eating animals has loss some of its trendiness recently both with links to poorer health for both you and the planet when you choose to eat it. So is it possible to eat a…
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On The Road Healthy Eating Habits

When you go on road trips do you accept this period as an eating disaster full of fatty foods and sugary drinks? If you answered yes, then this is a must-read blog. Below is a map of the steps you can take before you leave and continue through to the journey itself to make your…
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9 Key Foods For Men

Selecting my top 9 foods to support men’s health was not an easy task. Each food has different nutrients which may benefit your body and promote health. After much consideration, here are my top 9 key foods for men: Tomatoes These fruits (yes they are a fruit) are important for men because they contain the…
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