
Fast Food Swaps To Help Your Waistline

Eating out is more common for a lot of people than eating at home, so when choosing take-away what are the best options to choose to reduce the impact to your waistline? Here are some easy swaps to be able to enjoy eating your favourite styles of food: Italian: Instead of the heavily creamed sauced…
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Should You Live In Fear Of The Easter Bunny?

With April rapidly approaching so is Easter and the time of Easter which normally involves chocolate. Should you hide yourself away from the celebrations and kick the Easter goodbye? Good news is not necessarily. Yes there are some forms of chocolate with more added sugar, fat content and low cocoa solids content which is definitely…
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Is Your Work Place Sabotaging Your Waistline?

  If you are like most of the western world a large proportion of your life is spent in an office Monday to Friday 9-5 pm. If you are wanting to be able to be the healthiest version of you this can be really difficult if your workplace does not support a healthy lifestyle. I…
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Is Instant Coffee Nutritional Rubbish?

If you are like many of us, you enjoy a cup of coffee (or two) to get your day doing. Ground coffee may seem like a completely different kettle of fish when it comes to taste compared to instant coffee but is it nutritionally better to just drink ground? The simple answer is both types…
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Spring Clean Yourself

Every now and then we need to refresh ourselves from inside out like a Spring Clean of ourselves. My 4 tips to help improve your health and well being when the time is needed to reset the health in your life: Think about how you see the world. A positive mindset leads to a positive…
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Choosing Cereal, What Is All The Fuss About?

When it comes to selecting breakfast cereal, companies should have your health in mind first right? Wrong! Selling a product regardless of what it is doing to your body and your health is their goal. This is why you need to be cereal savvy to select a healthy breakfast cereal which will enhance your health…
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Detox Right!

You may be one of many who are think following a fad detox or cleanse is good for your health. If you have followed one or more cleanses or detoxes you may be surprised to know that there is no scientific evidence to support diet detoxes. Your body is a complex and amazing system which…
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Vegetarian Explained

Vegetarianism is growing in popularity as a way of eating but what exactly does it mean to be a vegetarian? Firstly there are four main types of vegetarians: 1. Lacto Ovo Vegetarian People following this type of vegetarian diet include dairy as well as eggs on top of a plant based diet. 2. Ovo Vegetarian…
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