
Fermented Foods Are Much More Than the Latest Food Fad

  Gut health has found a new pedestal in popular trends and with it the foods which can help your gut. Fermented foods are one of these foods but are much more than a chance selected food. Fermented foods have been enjoyed for many thousands of years. Yoghurt, sauerkraut and kimchi are three examples which…
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Intermittent Fast to Increase Your Lifespan

Intermittent fasting may at first seem just another fad, but science says there could be more to this way of eating. A study assessing the evidence from both animal and human studies concluded intermittent fasting could help slow or even reverse the signs of aging. On top of this help reduce the effects of many…
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30 Different Plant Foods A Week for Optimal Health

  Did you know that you can change the makeup of the good bacteria in your gut within a week?! Now that I have your attention the importance of your gut’s health for your overall health is becoming a well-known fact. The probiotics in your gut play many roles to improve your health such as:…
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Vitamin D in Chocolate?!

If you are like most of us, you need no convincing to enjoy a piece or two or three of chocolate. Saying this, just in case there is any guilt associated with this pleasure you need to read on. Research has shown over and over the health benefits of dark chocolate are due to its…
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Eat Your Way to A Good Night’s Sleep

I’m sure you know the feeling after a poor night’s sleep. The reasons to get enough and good quality sleep benefits not only your ability to function the next day but decreases your risk of many diseases such as heart disease and helps maintain a healthy weight. You may know about setting the environment for…
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How to Save Your Health If You Are A Night Shift Worker

If you are a shift worker, you most likely understand the effects of being awake when your body clock says you should be asleep. The impact of working against your natural body clock does not only feel less than optimal but can have a negative impact on your health. You are up to 40% greater…
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How Does Your Meal Kit Delivery Service Stack Up?

You may be one of the many who have or are using a meal kit service to save time, but are you saving your health too? A recent study has found the answers and the results come with both good and bad news. What was investigated: 12 recipes from four weekly boxes of three meals…
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7 Ways To Keep Your Hormones On Your Side

Hormones help to regulate many functions in your body and are vital for your health. Hormones change as we age as well as in response to external influences like stress. Hormones are also vital for your body to function optimally like maintaining a healthy weight and allowing the calcium to be absorbed into your bones.…
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