
Coffee: The Perfect Beverage to Enhance Your Exercise Results

If you are an eager gym junkie or simply want to know how to optimize your efforts when you exercise, then you need to know about this beverage. I am talking about a drink which has been shown to enhance not only performance but recovery, coffee. Did you know that supplements are not regulated like…
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The Matrix of Health Benefits of Seafood to Prevent Metabolic Syndrome

The functioning of your body is a highly tuned system. When one function becomes dysfunctional it can have a ripple effect. The condition known as metabolic syndrome is an example of this. Metabolic resistance includes having high blood pressure, obesity, cholesterol, and insulin resistance. These conditions put you at greater risk of diabetes and heart…
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Coffee Selectors, Date, Chia, Peanut Butter Balls

Coffee Selectors, date, chia, peanut butter balls (serves 10) Ingredients 20g of Coffee Selectors Rumble Coffee Shadow Boxer Espresso Blend a Gold Medal Winner in the Home Baristas Awarded Collection! It has toffee, dark chocolate and raspberry notes. 3 tablespoons (60g) of 100% peanut butter 1 tablespoon of chia seeds 2/3rd of a cup (65g)…
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How Carbs Can Help Your Body To Make Muscles!

When you work out at the gym you probably think protein is the only essential component to making protein to be able to build and repair muscle cells. What you may not have considered is the role carbohydrates play in allowing your body to make protein and consequently effect your results from your hard efforts…
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Whole Grains to Promote Optimal Insulin Sensitivity

1 million Australians have diabetes and another 500 thousand are undiagnosed with diabetes. Reduced insulin sensitivity is what can eventually cause type 2 diabetes. This is the most common type of diabetes and is also known as the lifestyle diabetes. The lifestyle choices you make can increase or decrease your body’s ability to detect a…
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Omega-3 Fat to Prevent Acne

You are not alone if you suffer from acne. While there are hormonal factors which may be out of your control there is growing evidence to support the role of diet and acne occurrence. Diet and foods which appear to increase your likelihood of acne include a diet which has a higher glycemic load or…
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Coffee Selectors: More Than Just The Essential Start To Your Day

You are not alone if life does not begin before your first cup of coffee. The health benefits of coffee have been mixed over the years but with more and more research on this delicious beverage the odds are in favor of enjoying coffee daily. The ritual of a drink of coffee is pure perfection.…
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Nutella vs Peanut Butter

Are you confused whether Nutella is a worthy alternative to peanut butter? Let me start by saying that just because Nutella has the word nut within it does not make it within the same health league as peanut butter. The first part of ingredients and ingredients lists you need to understand is that companies need…
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