
Stress Less By Munching On Some Fruit and Vegetables

Are you the 9 in 10 Australians not eating enough vegetables each day or the 1 in 2 not enjoying the recommended servings of fruit daily? The health benefits of including enough of these two food groups in your day is long listing from optimal immune system function, healthy weight, reduced risk of chronic diseases…
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Are Your Replacing Your Lost Electrolytes?

It can be easy to forget to drink enough fluids to keep your body healthy. Giving your body enough fluid to function optimally is vital as you are made up of around 60% water. If you are a heavy  or salty sweater you may also need to consider replacing lost electrolytes to keep your body…
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LMNT: An Electrolyte Drink I Recommend

If you are like me and hit the gym in sessions under an hour but with maximum intensity, then you need to know about LMNT electrolyte drinks. Exercising under an hour does not require additional carbohydrate to fuel your muscles for the session for optimal performance. You do, however, lose fluids and electrolytes in your…
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Kiwi Fruit: Your Guts Best Friend

Are you a fan of the delicious taste of a kiwi fruit? Kiwi fruits are extremely nutrient dense and are a rich source of vitamin C, E, K, folate, carotenoids, potassium, phytochemicals, and fibre. Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, plays an important role in keeping your immune system working at its best. It does this…
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Are You Giving Your Body the Benefits of Sprouted Grains?

Do you enjoy creating masterpieces in the kitchen? If you are using conventional flours or plain organic flours, you are missing the delicious taste experience and additional health benefits of sprouted grains Second Spring Foods flours and bake mixes. Sprouted grains are not a new food technology and have been recorded as far back at…
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A Snapshot of How Your Nutrition Influences Your Immune System

Your immune system is impacted by many factors. These include alcohol, smoking, genetics, stress, fitness level, obesity, medication, and sleep quality just to name a few. Your diet is one factor which is under your control and can make a major impact on the strength of your immune system and its function. Ensuring your diet…
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A Snapshot Guide to Plant-Based Eating

It can be easy to become overwhelmed with the idea of eating more plant based with the growing trend of vegan based diets. Good news is there are more than one way you can follow a plant-based style of eating. Here are 5 snapshots of choices you can include more plants in your diet.  …
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