Have We Forgotten About Food?

I am sure after reading this headline there would be many who would laugh as food is a necessity and joy to life and we think about it at least a few times over a day. What has been forgotten by many is the health of whole foods.

There are many trends in the media which shame food groups or specific macronutrients also known as carbohydrates, fats and proteins. These trends shame these foods and macronutrients without thinking about the type of foods within a group. You would not be alone if you think eating in general will kill you with the amount of food hating and 'don't eat this it will kill you' in the media. So let's just take a breathe and think about food as what it should be, something which give you health and improves your quality of life but how can you do this?

Firstly eat whole foods. This means foods which are least processed and closest to nature. Starting from whole grains such as brown rice, pasta, quinoa, cous cous, whole grain bread etc. which provide your body the entire benefit of the whole grain. Yes this food group contains carbohydrates but no it will not cause an early death because the foods themselves are more than just carbohydrate. The are vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants which work together as a whole to improve the health of your body.

Secondly fats, instead of selecting the types of fats which are linked to higher 'bad' LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides such as trans fats found in foods like pasteries and baked goods. Or fats which are part of the animal meat (except in fish) called saturated fat try choosing whole foods which have health promoting properties like avocado, extra virgin olive oil, nuts and seeds and fish which yes have fat but the types which help keep your heart healthy, reduce inflammation in your body and can help you maintain a healthy weight.

Thirdly protein. Instead of hitting up a protein shake which can also be full of other unwanted added ingredients select protein from whole food like legumes, tofu, tuna, eggs (yes these are a great food which you can enjoy one with yolk every day without fear of increasing your cholesterol), lean meats such as chicken breast, turkey or even give kangaroo meat a try. These foods have protein but the whole food also gives your body vitamins and minerals which go above and beyond simply giving your body protein.

When you look at the whole food rather than a specific nutrient or energy source you can see the whole picture. It is like looking at the whole painting and enjoying its beauty rather than just a single stroke of paint which may seem flawed if you could not see the whole painting.

Take Home Message: Food should be enjoyed and not feared. Your relationship with food is one of a lifetime and is something to be treasured and enhance your quality of life. Namaste!

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