Category Archives: Myth Busting

Fueling Your Golf Performance

Do you enjoy a regular game of golf? Apart from practice what fuel and fluids you include in you pre, during and post a game can influence your performance and recovery. Having a strategy which ticks all the boxes can allow you to maintain lean muscle mass, prevent hunger during a game, promote recovery, prevent…
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Look After Your Gut Health to Promote Optimal Eye Function

If you want to protect your eyesight you may think about wearing sunglasses outside, not overdoing screen time and getting enough sleep. What you may not consider is the importance of an optimal gut microbiome to help prevent eye disease and dysfunction. When your gut is in a state of imbalance or dysbiosis this can…
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Fueling for A Marathon

Doing a marathon is no easy feat and having the best footwear, training and nutrition is key. Training by gradually increasing the intensity of the pace or the distance is the best way to train as trying to do a marathon without training will lead to an ambulance being called. As well as the physical…
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How to Become Buddies with B Vitamins

Do you want to optimise your energy levels and ensure your central nervous system works at its best? Then you need B vitamins in your diet. B vitamins are water-soluble vitamins which you need as part of your diet daily. Water-soluble vitamins unlike fat-soluble vitamins cannot be stored in your body and any excess is…
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Key Nutrients Which May Help Treat Eczema

If you suffer from eczema, you understand the discomfort of the itchiness and then the throbbing from your skin being scratched. Your diet can play a key role in helping manage this skin condition. Here are some key nutrients to include in your diet which may help reduce or prevent a flare up in eczema.…
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The Link Between Your Gut Health and Estrogen Balance

Your gut is the home to trillions of microbes. The amount and variety of the microbes within your gut can either promote or hinder your health. One of the many impacts your gut microbiome have been impacting the amount of estrogen circulating in your body. Each different type of microbe plays a different role in…
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Do You Need to Be Taking an Electrolyte Supplement?

As a general guideline most people need 1 teaspoon of sodium a day for health. There are several exceptions to this rule and some people need to include more than this to keep their body working as it should. Electrolytes like sodium and potassium are minerals which flow through your blood and are essential to…
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