Category Archives: Eating Behaviour

5 Nutrition Strategies to Help Reduce DOMS

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) or the soreness you get after a hard workout in the gym is a love hate relationship. This feeling is when there are micro tears in your muscles which, as a result, cause them to grow back stronger. The feeling, however, is not so comfortable. Having rest days between hard…
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Fueling Your Golf Performance

Do you enjoy a regular game of golf? Apart from practice what fuel and fluids you include in you pre, during and post a game can influence your performance and recovery. Having a strategy which ticks all the boxes can allow you to maintain lean muscle mass, prevent hunger during a game, promote recovery, prevent…
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The Importance of Omega-3 Fat to Promote Nerve Healing After Injury

Over one million people worldwide each year experience peripheral nerve injuries. Your diet plays an important role in your body’s ability to recover from any injury and this includes injury to your nerves. Omega-3 fat, an essential polyunsaturated fat is known to support the general health of your nerves. Omega-3 fat helps create the neuronal…
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Your Gut Microbiome Could Impact Your Recovery After a Stroke

Stroke is the leading cause of disability and death in the world. A stroke prevents blood from flowing to your brain normally. This causes the cells effected by the lack of oxygen to die, the dead area of brain cells which is caused by a stroke is called an infarct. There are several factors which…
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Look After Your Gut Health to Promote Optimal Eye Function

If you want to protect your eyesight you may think about wearing sunglasses outside, not overdoing screen time and getting enough sleep. What you may not consider is the importance of an optimal gut microbiome to help prevent eye disease and dysfunction. When your gut is in a state of imbalance or dysbiosis this can…
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Fueling for A Marathon

Doing a marathon is no easy feat and having the best footwear, training and nutrition is key. Training by gradually increasing the intensity of the pace or the distance is the best way to train as trying to do a marathon without training will lead to an ambulance being called. As well as the physical…
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Are You Getting Enough of this Essential Mineral?

Selenium is an essential mineral that your body needs to function at its best. You need to get this mineral from the food you eat as your body cannot make selenium. Selenium plays many important roles in your body including: Acts As an Antioxidant Selenium acts as an antioxidant which helps to fight off excess…
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How to Become Buddies with B Vitamins

Do you want to optimise your energy levels and ensure your central nervous system works at its best? Then you need B vitamins in your diet. B vitamins are water-soluble vitamins which you need as part of your diet daily. Water-soluble vitamins unlike fat-soluble vitamins cannot be stored in your body and any excess is…
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